SGB Hematoxylin and eosin for histopathology

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Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining is the most common staining technique in histopathology. This uses a combination of two dyes, Hematoxylin and Eosin used for the demonstration of the nucleus and cytoplasmic inclusions in clinical specimens.
Eosin solutions are regularly used as a counterstain to hematoxylin in standard histology H&E staining methods. Eosin Y is an anionic dye that stains basic cell components (such as cytoplasm, collagen, muscle fibers, and erythrocytes) bright red.

Code Description Packaging
SG01 Bluing reagent 2500 ml
SG02 Bluing reagent 1000 ml
SG03 Cloralio hematoxylin 6 x 500 ml
SG04 Delafield Hematoxylin 6 x 500 ml
SG05 Delafield Hematoxylin 6 x 500 ml
SG06 EA 31 reagent Pap 3A – Papanicolau 500 mL
SG07 EA 31 reagent Pap 3A – Papanicolau 100 mL
SG08 EA 31 reagent Pap 3A – Papanicolau 2500 mL
SG09 EA 31 reagent Pap 3A – Papanicolau 1000 mL
SG10 EA 65 reagent Pap 3C – Papanicolau 2500 mL
SG11 EA 65 reagent Pap 3C – Papanicolau 1000 mL
SG12 EA 65 reagent Pap 3C – Papanicolau 500 mL
SG13 EA 65 reagent Pap 3C – Papanicolau 100 mL
SG14 EA 65 reagent Pap 3D – Papanicolau 2500 mL
SG15 EA 65 reagent Pap 3D – Papanicolau 1000 mL
SG16 EA 65 reagent Pap 3D – Papanicolau 500 mL
SG17 EA 65 reagent Pap 3D – Papanicolau 100 mL
SG18 EA-50 Stain Solution – Papanicolaou Pap3B 2500 ml
SG19 EA-50 Stain Solution – Papanicolaou Pap3B 1000 ml
SG20 EA-50 Stain Solution – Papanicolaou Pap3B 500 ml
SG21 Eosin floxin alcoholic stock solution 6 x 500 ml
SG22 Eosin orange solution stock solution 6 x 500 ml
SG23 Eosin Y 0,2% aqueous solution 2500 mL
SG24 Eosin Y 0,2% aqueous solution 1000 mL
SG25 Eosin Y 0,5 % alcoholic solutions 2500 ml
SG26 Eosin Y 0,5 % alcoholic solutions 1000 ml
SG27 Eosin Y 0,5% aqueous solutions 1000 ml
SG28 Eosin Y 0,5% aqueous solutions 2500 ml
SG29 Eosin Y 1% alcoholic solutions 1000 ml
SG30 Eosin Y 1% alcoholic solutions 2500 ml
SG31 Eosin Y 1% aqueous solutions 1000 ml
SG32 Eosin Y 1% aqueous solutions 2500 ml
SG33 Eosin Y 2% alcoholic solution 1000 mL
SG34 Eosin Y 2% alcoholic solution 2500 mL
SG35 Eosin Y 2% aqueous solution 2500 mL
SG36 Eosin Y 2% aqueous solution 1000 mL
SG37 Eosin Y alcoholic stock solution 6 x 500 ml
SG38 Ferri reagent Weigert B 1000 mL
SG39 Ferri reagent Weigert B 500 mL
SG40 Ferri reagent Weigert B 100 mL
SG41 Harris Hematoxylin AB for Bouin sections 6 x 500 ml
SG42 Harris Hematoxylin AB for Bouin sections 1000 ml
SG43 Harris Hematoxylin GB modified for histology 6 x 500 ml
SG44 Hematoxylin Anderson 6 x 500 ml
SG45 Hematoxylin Carazzi 1000 ml
SG46 Hematoxylin Carazzi 500 mL
SG47 Hematoxylin Carazzi 100 ml
SG48 Hematoxylin Cole 1000 ml
SG49 Hematoxylin Cole 500 ml
SG50 Hematoxylin Gill 1 100 ml


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